
The present investigation was carried out in three talukas of surendranagar district of Gujarat state, where maximun land under cotton cultivation. From each selected taluka four villages were selected randomly. Thus, total twelve villages were surveyed during the study. From each selected village, ten farmers were considered as respondents, thus total 120 farmers, who grow the cotton crop, were considered as respondents for the present study. The ex-post facto research design was used for the research study. It can be enunciated that among the selected twelve variables. Nine variables viz. Education, farm experience, training received, annual income, social participation, mass media exposure, scientific orientation, risk orientation and innovativeness had exerted positive and significant contribution to change in attitude of cotton growers towards Integrated Pest Management. Three variables viz. age, size of family and land holding failed to show any significant contribution to change in attitude of cotton growers towards Integrated Pest Management.

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