
Flowering is an important step in the life cycle of plants and indicates adaptability to external climatic cues such as temperature and photoperiod. We investigated the expression patterns of core genes related to flowering-time regulation in Japanese wild radish (Raphanus sativus var. raphanistroides) with different vernalization requirements (obligate and facultative) and further identified climatic cues that may act as natural selective forces. Specifically, we analysed flowering-time variation under different cold and photoperiod treatments in Japanese wild radish collected from the Hokkaido (northern lineage) and Okinawa (southern lineage) islands, which experience contrasting climatic cues. The cultivation experiment verified the obligate and facultative vernalization requirements of the northern and southern wild radish accessions, respectively. The expression of major genes involved in flowering time indicated that RsFLC and RsCOL5 (A&B) may interact to regulate flowering time. Notably, floral initiation in the northern lineage was strongly correlated with RsFLC expression, whereas flowering in the southern linage was correlated with induction of RsCOL5-A expression, despite high RsFLC transcript levels. These results suggested that the northern accessions are more sensitive to prolonged cold exposure, whereas the southern accessions are more sensitive to photoperiod. These different mechanisms ultimately confer an optimal flowering time in natural populations in response to locally contrasting climatic cues. This study provides new insights into the variant mechanisms underlying floral pathways in Japanese wild radish from different geographic locations.

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