
To investigate the association between joint diseases (JD) and common mental disorders (CMD) in women at ages related to menopause. Cross-sectional, population-based study (São Paulo City Health Survey, SP, Brazil). The sample was composed of 1191 women, 40years and older. Dependent variable (outcome): Presence of CMD, investigated by the Self Reporting Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20). Presence of JD; other self-reported chronic conditions different from JD (OCC); age categories (40-45, 46-50, 51-55, 56-60, 61+ years old); Adjusting variables: years of formal education and ethnicity (skin color), used as proxies of socioeconomic status. The associations were investigated using simple and multiple logistic regression models. The prevalence of CMD was 30.4%, and JD was 21.4%. Considering only the women presenting CMD, the prevalence of JD was 31.6%. The final regression model showed an independent association between JD and CMD (OR=1.998; p<0.001), age between 56 and 60years (OR=0.542; p=0.018), and having three OCC (OR=2.696; p=0.027). Our data showed that JD in women of the ages related to menopause was significantly and independently associated with CMD. Interestingly, the 56 to 60years' age interval showed a very particular feature, with opposite association's direction, which demands further investigations.

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