
After a cerebral infarction, some patients acutely demonstrate contralateral hemiplegia, or aphasia. Those are the obvious symptoms of a cerebral infarction. However, less visible but burdensome consequences may go unnoticed without closer investigation. The importance of a thorough clinical examination is exemplified by a single case study of a 72-year-old, right-handed male. Two years before he had suffered from an ischemic stroke in the territory of the left posterior cerebral artery, with right homonymous hemianopia and global alexia (i.e., impairment in letter recognition and profound impairment of reading) without agraphia. Naming was impaired on visual presentation (20%-39% correct), but improved significantly after tactile presentation (87% correct) or verbal definition (89%). Pre-semantic visual processing was normal (correct matching of different views of the same object), as was his access to structural knowledge from vision (he reliably distinguished real objects from non-objects). On a colour decision task he reliably indicated which of two items was coloured correctly. Though he was unable to mime how visually presented objects were used, he more reliably matched pictures of objects with pictures of a mime artist gesturing the use of the object. He obtained normal scores on word definition (WAIS-III), synonym judgment and word-picture matching tasks with perceptual and semantic distractors. He however failed when he had to match physically dissimilar specimens of the same object or when he had to decide which two of five objects were related associatively (Pyramids and Palm Trees Test). The patient thus showed a striking contrast in his intact ability to access knowledge of object shape or colour from vision and impaired functional and associative knowledge. As a result, he could not access a complete semantic representation, required for activating phonological representations to name visually presented objects. The pattern of impairments and preserved abilities is considered to be a specific difficulty to access a full semantic representation from an intact structural representation of visually presented objects, i.e., a form of visual object agnosia.

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