
Purpose: Separation anxiety is a state of extreme anxiety, felt by an individual in case of separation from attachment figure. It was aimed to investigate attachment styles, temperament traits, childhood trauma and dissociative experiences of university students diagnosed with adult separation anxiety disorder (ASAD). 
 Methods: Sixty five university students, diagnosed to have ASAD by a structured clinical interview were compared with healthy students via˝Adult Attachment Style Questionnaire (AAQ)," "Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ)," "Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego Auto-questionnaire (TEMPS-A)," and "Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)." 
 Results: Twenty two (33.8%) students with ASAD had problems with orientation and getting used to university. According to AAQ, students with ASAD had higher prevalence of insecure attachment styles, and especially high ambivalent attachment styles and to CTQ, students with ASAD had significantly higher scores in all subscales except physical abuse. Overall DES score was higher in students with ASAD compared to the control group. DES score and history of physical disease in the family were independent associates of ASAD. 
 Conclusion: DES score and history of physical disease in the family were independent associates of ASAD among university students. Hence, early awareness of dissociative symptoms and family history might help early identify students with ASAD.

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