
The cDNA encoding adenovirus E1A enhancer-binding protein E1A-F has been isolated by screening a HeLa cell {lambda}gt11 expression library for E1A-F site-specific DNA binding (4). E1A-F has sequence homology with the ETS domain, a region required for sequence-specific DNA binding and common to all ets oncogene members. It is suggested that the E1A-F gene (ETV4) is a human homologue of the murine PEA3 polyomarvirus enhancer enhancer activator (3) gene, a recently characterized ets oncogene member, because of 94% identity in amino acid sequence between PEA3 and E1A-F (4). Interestingly, two members of the ets oncogene family have been shown to be involved in chromosome translocations in several neoplasma (3, 5, 9). Thus knowing the position of an ets-related sequence in the human genome may provide clues to a possible association of that gene with particular malignancies, other genetic lesions, or predisposition. By a combination of somatic cell hybrid analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), we have mapped the ETV4 locus to chromosome 17q21.

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