
The study area is located in Iraqi Mesopotamain plain,in the Western of Falluja city between longitude 43 36 to 43 50 East and latitude 33 16 to 33 38 North.We used a MEDALUS Model (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use) during theperiod 1985 and 2012 to obtained the sensitivity of agriculture Environment to desertification (ESAs index). (ESAs index) based on some qualitative indices such as: (soil quality index, and vegetation quality index, and climatic quality index). Which determined on an indicator's set that direct role at desertification.And three Quality indices are multiplied to assessment the ESAsI. The results showed that (75.55% , 96.26%) belong to sensitivity Critical class , and (20.71% , 3.74%) belong to Fragile class, and (3.74% , 0.0)to potential class. During ( 1985 , 2012) respectively. And increase low Soil quality(SQI) and vegetation quality (VQI) (22.6 ha/year , 11.2 ha/year ) at average ( 0.88%, 0.14%)year from study area at 1985 and 2012 respectively.

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