
The practice of veterinary medicine exposes the professional to risks, increasing to those working in zoos. The objective was to evaluate the variables: risk perception and professional competence. As well risk factors associated with the presence of anti- Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in workers exposed to the National Zoological Park of Cuba (PZN) and RIOZOO. Were surveyed 133 workers (79 of PZN and 54 of RIOZOO) among veterinarians, biologists, technicians and service staff. To evaluate variables, was used the questionnaire Methodologies for the analysis of some indicators of risk associated to the territorial handling of zoonosis developed and validated in Cuba. Was made using software Epidat 3.1 in the statistical analysis test of X 2 .For detection of anti- T.gondii antibodies, were used ELISA and IFAT techniques. The samples were analyzed at the Toxoplasmosis Laboratory of the Tropical Medicine Institute in Cuba Pedro Kouri and at the Laboratory of Toxoplasmosis and other Protozooses of Institute Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, RJ,Brazil. The analysis of replies obtained through questionnaires there were no findings of statistical differences (p≥0.05). The evaluated variables punctuatedas nominal category 'MEDIUM', predominantly. The serologic results, the technicians group have significant statistical differences p≤0.05 between the two zoological gardens. The levels of risk perception in the investigated workers were not statistically different between the two zoological gardens in relations to professional competence.

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