
Stubbs, Q.; Yeo, I.-Y.; Lang, M.; Townshend, J.; Sun, L.; Prestegaard, K., and Jantz, C., 2020. Assessment of wetland change on the Delmarva Peninsula from 1984 to 2010. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(3), 575–589. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.The decline in wetland extent and condition emphasizes the need for sound wetland restoration and conservation policies, which require baseline information on wetland status, change, and change drivers. Multiple wetland maps are available, but they can be quite inconsistent bcause of different input and generation techniques, dates, and objectives. Moderate-resolution (30 m2) regional land-cover data sets (LCDs) were analyzed to (1) quantify historical wetland changes on the Delmarva Peninsula at multiple spatial scales between 1984 and 2010, (2) identify differences in the spatial area of wetland change and discuss the source of and implications for these differences, and (3) investigate the extent to which drivers of wetland change can be identified using existing LCDs. The following regional LCDs were considered: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Chesapeake Bay Land Cover Data Series (CBLCD), and the USGS National Land Cover Database. The C-CAP and CBLCD had the highest spatial agreement at 97%, and an average of 76% spatial agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland Inventory. The highest percentages of net wetland loss occurred between 1992 and 2001, whereas net wetland gain occurred between 2001 and 2010. Wetlands were predominantly converted (e.g., lost) to croplands/grass/shrubs (67%) and water (11%), which could be linked to drivers such as agriculture and sea-level rise.

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