
Public reaction to alternative AGT (Automated Guideway Transit) guideway design characteristics and impact on the existing environment can be assessed by formal surveys employing a series of photomontages depicting random views of design options. Simulations showing possible alinements, column spacings, guideway heights, and architectural styles as well as other design variables can be evaluated by means of a simple preference scale, and preferences compared among population groups having potentially different interests in the guideway. Scaling techniques developed by Thurstone and analysis of variance are used to determine relative preferences for alternative designs and differences in preference among interest groups. A study in Morgantown, W.Va., for a hypothetical extension of the Morgantown Downtown People Mover, indicated that people preferred a sidewalk location with slim columns, and found that a guideway reduced the overall visual quality of the environment. However, the environment without the guideway was perceived as neutral or slightly unattractive to begin with. The general public and economic interest groups were less critical of the impact of the guideway than persons with esthetic training.

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