
Nanofiltration (NF) is an efficient technology to produce safe and biologically stable drinking water from surface water (Cyna et al. 2002). NF can respond to the increased demand of water with higher quality due to the evolution of the legislation and of the customer’s expectation. NF treatment allows the reduction of the concentration of organic precursors to disinfection byproducts, and the reduction of the concentration of trace contaminants such as pesticides and pharmaceuticals. The introduction of NF in the drinking water production plant of Mery-sur-Oise, France, conducted to several changes in quality of the distributed water: reduction of total organic carbon (TOC) and Biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) by a factor 3 to 5, reduction of THMs by a factor 2, reduction of viable bacteria population by a factor 10, reduction of chlorine demand of the distribution system by a factor 3, amount of pesticides below detection level. Four membrane properties are important for the efficiency of a water treatment plant: high rejection of dissolved organics, low salt rejection, low energy consumption, and stable performance after repetitive cleanings. Membrane fouling generates flux decline leading to an increase in production cost due to increased energy demand and chemical cleaning. Moreover, fouling induces reduction in membrane life. Different types of NF fouling can be defined on the basis of fouling material: inorganic fouling due to deposition on membrane surface of inorganic scales; organic fouling due to humic acids, proteins and carbohydrates (natural organic material, NOM); biofouling due to biofilm formation at the membrane surface. Flux decline associated with NOM fouling and with biofouling can be partially restored by chemical cleaning (Al-Amoudi et al. 2005, Di Martino et al. 2007, Houari et al. 2010, Roudman et al. 2000). Biofouling is distinct from NOM fouling caused by contaminated organic matter derived from biological systems (Flemming et al., 1997). Biofouling involves biologically active microorganisms which grow at the membrane surface as complex structures termed biofilms (Lappin-Scott et al. 1989). Biofilm formation precedes biofouling, which becomes an issue only when biofilms reach thickness and surface coverage that cause declined normalized flux and/or increase in normalized pressure drops during NF operation (Vrouwenvelder et al., 1998, Ridgway, et al. 1996).

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