
Data for the tropical upper troposphere (8–12 km, 20°N‐20°S) collected during NASA's Pacific Exploratory Missions have been used to carry out a detailed examination of the photochemical processes controlling HOx (OH+HO2). Of particular significance is the availability of measurements of nonmethane hydrocarbons, oxygenated hydrocarbons (i.e., acetone, methanol, and ethanol) and peroxides (i.e., H2O2 and CH3OOH). These observations have provided constraints on model calculations permitting an assessment of the potential impact of these species on the levels of HOx, CH3O2, CH2O, as well as ozone budget parameters. Sensitivity calculations using a time‐dependent photochemical box model show that when constrained by measured values of the above oxygenated species, model estimated HOx levels are elevated relative to unconstrained calculations. The impact of constraining these species was found to increase with altitude, reflecting the systematic roll‐off in water vapor mixing ratios with altitude. At 11–12 km, overall increases in HOx approached a factor of 2 with somewhat larger increases being found for gross and net photochemical production of ozone. While significant, the impact on HOx due to peroxides appears to be less than previously estimated. In particular, observations of elevated H2O2 levels may be more influenced by local photochemistry than by convective transport. Issues related to the uncertainty in high‐altitude water vapor levels and the possibility of other contributing sources of HOx are discussed. Finally, it is noted that the uncertainties in gas kinetic rate coefficients at the low temperatures of the upper troposphere and as well as OH sensor calibrations should be areas of continued investigation.


  • Knowledgeof uppertropospheripchotochemistriys critical in modelingexercises.For the low temperatureisnvolvedat to understandintgheglobalbudgetof tropospherioczoneandis uppertroposphericaltitudes,many of thesecoefficientshave particularlyimportantin definingthe role of ozonein climate significantlyhigheruncertaintiesT. akenoverall,theseconcerns change[e.g.,Fishmanet al., 1979;Wanget al., 1986;Laciset clearlysuggesthat the photochemicaplictureof the upper al., 1990;Roelojetal., 1997]

  • Most Theseexerciseshave been largely limited to model versus notableis the lack of a comprehensiveupper tropospheric observationaclomparisonfsor the speciesNO2, H202, and database.,the role of fastverticaltransporitn CH3OOH[e.g.,Crawfordet al., 1996;Daviset al., 1993, 1996; alteringthe compositionof the upper tropospherew, hile Jacobetal., 1996;Schultzetak, 1999;Bradshawet al., 1999]

  • H202alsoshowslittleimpactbelow11km;howevert,he is reflected in Table 2 which shows that median increases in rangeofvaluesisbroadenedA. bove11km,H202hasa greater F(O3)exceedenhancementisn HO2but are lessthanthosefor impact hanCH3OOH,andacetonecontinuetso be a strong CH302.Ontheotherhand,D(O3)dependsonlypartiallyonHO2 influence.SinceH202introduceHsOxintheformofOH, it and OH; .increasesin its median value are smaller than helpsexplainwhyincreaseinsOHapproacthoseforHO2atthis thosefor HO2

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Water Vapor

9 hours, rnin 8 hours, min 6 hours,18min 2 hours,16min differenint strumentFso. rPWA,high-altitudweatervapordata werethosemeasuredbyLyman-0fluorescenceF.orPWB, the datafroma cryogenicallcyooled,chilled-mirrohrygrometer [BusenandBuck,1995]wasused. Thebasicchemicailnputparameter0s3, CO,NO, andH20 an averagedifferenceof 28 ppmv,with over70% of the data were available for all model calculations. ConcurrenNt MHC observa- (seeFigure2), thediodelasermeasurewdatervaporexceeded tionswereavailablefor only 50% of the data. Hen of this study,acetonefor PWA andPTA hasalsobeeninferred measurementsare available, model calculations can be to allowmaximumusageof thePEM database.Acetonevalues constrainebdy thefollowingspeciesH:202,CH3OOH, HNO3, wereinferredaccordingto theanalysisof McKeenet al. For thisreason,a constanmt ixingratioof 30 pptvwasusedwhena measurement of ethanol was not available. Data analysisfor this studyinvolvedthe use of a time primarpTroductiofxnomacetoneT.hepredicteHdOforthese dependenpt hotochemicabl ox model similarto that usedfor twocalculatiownsasidentica(il.e.,2.45xl07molecules/cmIn3). The aL, 1996;Jacobet al., 1996;Crawfordet al., 1997a,b; Schultz

13 Case BIA
Ozone Budget peroxyradicalsbeforebeingcycledintoOH viareactionwith
Other PossibleHOx Influences?
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