
A tritium transport model for a pool-type sodium cooled fast reactor was developed for estimation of tritium effluents from the Prototype Generation IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (PGSFR). For this purpose, the transport model developed for Experimental Breeder Reactor II and Fast Flux Test Facility was updated and validated. The tritium production rate from ternary fission and activations in PGSFR were calculated by the Argonne Reactor Computation (ARC) code suite for fast reactor analysis, and due to the potential uncertainties in source terms and variations of cold trap performance and material permeability during reactor operation, the tritium distributions and tritium effluents were estimated for several bounding cases. The upper bounding gaseous and liquid tritium release rates from PGSFR are ~ 440.7 Ci/year and 14.7 Ci/year, respectively. The gaseous tritium effluent is about few orders of magnitude smaller than the regulatory constraint of the tritium concentration in the air. The peak tritium concentration in the steam-generator feedwater is ~ 1.1x10-3 μCi/g, which is required to be diluted prior to releasing as tritiated water. The accumulated tritium in the cold trap after five cycle operations is ~ 52,000 Ci. Because of significant conservatism in these upper bounding estimations, it is expected that the tritium effluent at the nominal case with plausible source terms would be about 2 orders of magnitude smaller than that of the upper bounding case.

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