
Assessment of geothermal resources is the vital and difficult work during geothermal resources utilization. The aims of this study are to: (1) estimate the natural thermal water discharge and the mass flow rates of recoverable thermal water in boreholes by using “express method”. (2) evaluate the geothermal water and energy resources through estimating the convective heat and mass discharge/deep recharge of this geothermal field based on the calculation results. Results show that this geothermal field should be divided into three sections to calculate hot water resources: Reshuiwei section, Miaowan section and Dongqingshu downward section. Main controlling fault zones are F3, F6 and F7 fault zones, respectively. The total reached mass flow rates of recoverable thermal water are 49.32 kg/s. Reshuiwei section is a suitable area for underground hot water comprehensive utilization. The reached recoverable heat rates are 15.031 MW. In addition, the reservoir temperature potential of Reshuiwei geothermal field would be about 182.95 °C, the conceptual model of this geothermal field formation is summarized. Conclusions drawn from this study would provide reference for geothermal resources assessment of all geothermal fields.

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