
Estimates of extreme precipitation are commonly associated with different sources of uncertainty. One of the primary sources of uncertainty in the statistical modeling of precipitation extremes comes from extreme data series (i.e., sampling uncertainty). Therefore, this research aimed to quantify the sampling uncertainty in terms of confidence intervals. In addition, this article examined how the data record length affects predicted extreme precipitation estimates and data set statistics. A nonparametric bootstrap resample was utilized to quantify the precipitation quantile sampling distribution at a particular non exceedance probability. This sampling distribution can provide a point estimation of the precipitation quantile and the confidence interval at a particular non exceedance probability. It has been shown that the different types of probability distributions fit the extreme precipitation data series of various weather stations. Therefore, the uncertainty analysis should be conducted using the best-fit probability distribution for extreme precipitation data series rather than a predefined single probability distribution for all stations based on modern extreme value theory. According to the 95% confidence intervals, precipitation quantiles are subject to significant uncertainty and the band of the uncertainty intervals increases with the return period. These uncertainty bounds need to be integrated into any frequency analysis from historical data. The average, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis are highly affected by the data record length. Thus, a longer record length is desirable to decrease the sampling uncertainty and, therefore, decrease the error in the predicted quantile values. Moreover, the results suggest that a series of at least 40 years of data records is needed to obtain reasonably accurate estimates of the distribution parameters and the precipitation quantiles for 100 years return periods and higher. Using only 20 to 25 years of data to obtain estimates of the higher return period quantile is risky, since it created high sampling variability relative to the full data length.

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