
Human development must ensure the welfare and survival of an ever-growing population. To assess the impact of agroecosystems on sustainability in Nariño (Colombia), variables related to sustainable development were evaluated through a semi-structured survey conducted with 122 producers from 6 municipalities in the Nariño department. The association between the categorical variables associated with the pillars of sustainability was analyzed using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). From the MCA, 23 indicators were selected, representing quantitative information on the economic, social, and environmental characteristics of the participants. The municipalities were characterized according to the needs and strengths of the producers. Five groups encompass most characteristics of the producers, which are largely independent of geopolitical conditions. On the other hand, the population characterization indicates that the economic well-being of fruit growers can promote the conservation of natural resources. Finally, a principal component factor analysis (PCFA) was conducted to construct the General Sustainability Index (GSI). A network graph for each municipality revealed that the indicators of the production systems are in an unfavorable environment in almost all aspects related to sustainability. The GSI values reveal unstable agroecological conditions that are causing environmental deterioration, with critical levels in the municipalities of Arboleda, Sandoná, and Providencia. Social investment and public policies must be implemented to improve the economic conditions of the producers, accompanied by legislation on the proper management of natural resources.

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