
Osteoporosis is the fourth most common after cardiovascular, cancer and endocrine diseases. According to WHO experts, due to the aging population and the impact of negative environmental factors, the incidence of osteoporosis will increase further. The objective: determining the relationship between ultrasound densitometry data on the heel cyst and the risk of fractures in older women from different regions of the country. Materials and methods. The study was based on a survey of women in major cities of Ukraine – Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa. 116 women aged 40 to 79 years were included. The average age of the subjects was 56±9,62 years, the average body weight was 74,5±12,9 kg, height 163,1±5,62 cm, the average body mass index (BMI) was 28±4,90. Normal (BMI) 20–24,9 had 35 women (30,2%), rates of preobesity and clinical obesity were in 81 surveyed women (69,8%). All subjects were divided into 4 groups by age: 40–49 years, 50–59 years, 60–69 years, 70–79 years. Results. Decrease in bone mineral density was found in 59,5% of examined women, of which osteopenia was in 57%, osteoporosis in 2,5% of women, the norm in 40,5% of women. The number of women with low BMD increased with age. Analyzing the risk factors in women after 40 years revealed a high incidence of hypertension 40,5%, the frequency of previous fractures in the anamnesis was 22,% of respondents, fractures of the femur and other fractures in parents noted 33,6% of women, a decrease in growth by 3 cm during life occurred in 13,7%, early menopause (up to 45 years) in 16,3% of women. Physical activity less than 30 minutes a day was noted by 27,5%. The risk of FRAX and Q-fracture fractures is significantly correlated with densitometry. Conclusions. Early detection of osteoporosis risk factors in the practice of a family doctor will help prevent an epidemic of this disease in our country and will prevent negative medical and social consequences. All of the above should be considered for planning preventive measures for osteoporosis and its complications, as well as for subsequent diagnostic steps for early detection of the disease.


  • Оценка взаимосвязи минеральной плотности костной ткани и факторов риска переломов в практике семейного врача Е.Ю

  • За даними National Osteoporosis Foundation (2016), щороку у всьому світі відбувається до 9 млн переломів щороку через остеопороз

  • Усі обстежені були розподілені на чотири групи за віком: – 40–49 років, – 50–59 років, – 60–69 років, – 70–79 років

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Ризик переломів за всіма алгоритмами був вище у жінок

Вікової групи 70–79 років: Для дослідження характеру та сили зв’язку між досліджу-. – FRAX Total – 12,21 ± 5,5, ваними показниками використовували коефіцієнт кореляції. – FRAX Hip – 6,00±4,24, Пірсона або Спірмана залежно від характеру розподілу даних. – Q-fracture total – 15,24±5,86, Статистично значущими вважали відмінності при p

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