
The issue of economic growth is one of the main macroeconomic problems that have always interested economists. Another aspect of the problem is also manifested in the current macroeconomic situation. That is, nowadays we are talking not only about economic growth, but also about studying factors that determine its quality. However, no specific indicators have yet been found that allow it to be fully measured. In this regard, this article will try to analyze indicators of economic growth in the agricultural sector of our republic. As the main indicators that ensure quality of economic growth in agriculture, such indicators as material return, capital return and labor productivity have been chosen. As a result of the study, we found out that the return on material and capital in agriculture is declining, while the labor productivity index is increasing. In course of presentation of the materials, the definitions given to the concept of economic growth were refined, and statistical indicators that determine the quality of economic growth in agriculture were systematized. The findings obtained in the course of the study make it possible to identify the nature of economic growth and make comparisons with best practices. Specific conclusions and proposals were also made to ensure high-quality economic growth in agriculture in our country.

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