
The paper substantiates the possibility of creating organizational and technological systems in innovative production based on integration into the relevant organizational and production structures, which in the end allows to increase the mobility of the transfer of high technologies in wartime, to reduce the time and complexity of the development and production of the latest products. A methodology for assessing the organizational and economic stability and controllability of the functioning of organizational and production structures in the process of their integration is proposed. This approach makes it possible to assess the integration process as being aimed at a specific result, at compliance with the strategy chosen by the industrial enterprise, and to initiate the necessary organizational and management measures. Also, its use in already created integration organizational and production structures will allow to increase their organizational and economic stability and manageability by ten percent, and the risk of the integration process by five percent; the degree of management by the integrated structure of the work of suppliers with an increase in the level of synergy is considered. The problems of creating integrated structures in the defense-industrial complex are summarized. An assessment of synergistic efficiency in relation to suppliers of materials and components for the production structure was carried out. A new perspective on the interpretation of entropy for evaluating the degree of integration of high-tech systems is provided. Of particular relevance and practical importance today is the development of new methods, concepts and theoretical foundations of strategic management of organizational and economic stability of both an innovative and active enterprise or an organizational and technological system, as well as the integration of industrial enterprises structures. In order to achieve a light level, the enterprise must rely not only on the organizational and technological system of the current level, but also on developing in line with the advances in light technologies and on internal arrangements. the functioning of our minds. The strategic structure will be strengthened rather than lacking the resources and strategic skills necessary to achieve competitiveness in the light market. There is a need for scientifically-based integration of neighboring enterprises in order to improve the efficiency of their functions.

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