
An integral part of the reform of the health care system of Ukraine is the change in medical education, which particularly implies a qualitative change in postgraduate education. The aim of the study is to form recommendations for improving the system of postgraduate medical education in the context of general health care reform. The study is aimed at examining aspects of the activities of interns who have completed their internship training. The main method of collecting socio-psychological information was the survey method in the form of standardized (formalized) interviews. 399 individuals took part in the survey. According to the results of the research, it is found that in general physicians who have completed internship training face such problems of personal character and life goals as a certain living and psychological instability, desire for professional growth, awareness of their strengths and weaknesses in professional skills. The results of the survey indicate that, according to interns, health care facilities only slightly meet the modern requirements. It concerns both the material and technical base and the organization of work of a medical establishment. The analysis of the responses also indicates that the administration of a health care institution does not take into account the specifics of working with young specialists, their insufficient involvement in the treatment of patients in the medical establishment: interviewing patients, physical examination of patients, appointment of diagnostic methods, involvement in decision making, primary examination of patients, clinical examination of patients in hospitals. It should be noted that the staff of medical establishments are characterized by a sufficiently high degree of goodwill. The vast majority of respondents indicated a low level of conflict in health care institutions. Of particular note is the general tendency to reduce the prestige of the medical profession in the Ukrainian society. This indicates the need to develop measures aimed at forming a positive public opinion on the importance and usefulness of the profession of a physician in society.



  • An integral part of the reform of the health care system of Ukraine is the change in medical education, which implies a qualitative change in postgraduate education

  • The study is aimed at examining aspects of the activities of interns who have completed their internship training

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The aim of the study is to form recommendations for improving the system of postgraduate medical education in the context of general health care reform. ВИВЧЕННЯ ДУМКИ ЛІКАРІВ-ІНТЕРНІВ ЩОДО ПРОБЛЕМ ТА ПЕРСПЕКТИВ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ В РАМКАХ РЕФОРМУВАННЯ СИСТЕМИ ОХОРОНИ ЗДОРОВ’Я. Дослідження спрямоване на вивчення аспектів діяльності лікарів-інтернів, які закінчили навчання в інтернатурі. За результатами проведеного дослідження встановлено, що в цілому для лікарів, які закінчили навчання в інтернатурі характерні такі проблеми особистісного характеру та життєві цілі як певна життєва і психологічна нестабільність, бажання професійного зростання, усвідомлення своїх сильних і слабких професійних якостей.

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