
Today's migration is a rather complex and controversial process. Having a number of advantages and positive results for the development of the receiving and sending countries, it also leads to negative consequences. The more a country's population is involved in migration processes, the more acutely its consequences manifest. The situation is also aggravated by the increasing economic and political crises, which negatively affect the ability of third countries to maintain internal stability. The issue does not exclude the Central Asian region in the context of the intensification of local armed conflicts in adjacent territories and current geopolitical aspects. The study purpose is to assess migration processes and their impact on the Republic of Kazakhstan as the one of the ‘host’ countries in Central Asia. A chronology of key economic events regarding strategic opportunities in the migration processes was carried out. Taking into account the current regional and global challenges, it has been established that the current trends in migration processes have a positive effect on the development of the labor market as an important component of the national economy, contributing to an increase in the welfare of the country. At the same time, the policy of Kazakhstan is also trying to pursue a pragmatic immigration policy to prevent the negative impact of immigrants on the local population.

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