
Maritime labour convention (MLC), adopted by International Labour Organization in 2006, is one of the latest contemporary issues in the maritime industry. Since the convention entered into force after August 2013, maritime administrations and ship management companies have great responsibilities to control and verify the socio-technical requirements within the shipboard environment. The convention principally organized along with several key considerations such as minimum requirements for seafarers to work on-board ships, conditions of employment, accommodation, recreational facilities, health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection. At this insight, the compliance and enforcement matters are another concern to fulfil the requirements. This paper provides a model-based approach integrating balanced scorecard (BSC) with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate compliance with the MLC requirements at the operational level. The research is expected to provide original contributions to monitor the MLC 2006 compliances level in ship fleet operation and management.

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