
Intravenous (IV) cannulization is common invasive procedure used in clinical practice of hospital. Intravenous cannulization is the methods of insertion of a flexible plastic device with a stylet available, inserted to the vein to administer medications, fluids of blood transfusions. The Objective of the study was to find out the level of knowledge and practice on intravenous cannulization among staff nurses of selected Tertiary Care Hospital in the Dhaka city. The study was descriptive type of cross-sectional in nature. The main study was conducted from March-August 2013 in Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Delta Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The instruments used for the study were self-administrated questionnaire and observational checklist. A total of 290 staff nurses who met the inclusion criteria were selected from different units of hospital by using simple random sampling technique. Mean age of the respondents was 32.11±5.3 years. The majority of respondents were female (87.2%). Maximum, 94% of respondents were completed upto Diploma in Nursing. Among the respondents, 18.3%, 50%, 24.3% and 6.9% had expressed one type of IV cannula, two types of IV cannula, three types of IV cannula and 6.9% four types of IV cannula. A majority of 49.7 % had found Good knowledge level followed by 25.5% had average knowledge, 21.7% had excellent knowledge and 3.1% had poor knowledge. About 53.8 % had found poor knowledge level followed by 39.3% had average knowledge and 5.9% ad Good knowledge, whereas only 1.0% had excellent knowledge regarding indication and contraindication on IV cannulization. About 2.67% respondents had Excellent, 12% had Good, 73.33 % had Average Practice and 12% had poor practice.

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