
Introduction. The current stage of human development puts forward new requirements for competencies that ensure the competitiveness of specialists in the labor market. Today, one of the most important places in the portfolio of competencies of a competitive specialist is occupied by digital competencies. Understanding the importance of digital competencies not only for individual specialists, but also for the economy as a whole leads to a natural desire to assess the level of digital competencies. The purpose of the study is to increase the objectivity and reliability of the assessment of students’ digital competencies based on the developed fuzzy model, which will allow making timely decisions to ensure the effectiveness of the management system in the context of the development of digital technologies. Materials and methods. The study involved 269 students of the State University of Management (Russia) majoring in Economics, majoring in Economics. The main research methods are: empirical – pedagogical observation, questioning, testing, conversation; pedagogical experiment – to experimentally test the effectiveness of didactic conditions; fuzzy logic – to assess the level of digital competencies of students. Results. To assess the level of digital competencies of students, a fuzzy-set model was used, presented in the form of a hierarchical relationship between input variables, integral characteristics of four assessment criteria: cognitive-informational, computer-technological, procedural-analytical, motivational-cognitive and the original variable – the integral level of digital competence. Based on the results of testing the synthesized structure of the Mamdani type in the MATLAB system, a high percentage of the basic level of development of digital competence of students is stated (59% in the control group and 57% in the experimental group). At the formative stage of the experiment, the effectiveness of the proposed didactic conditions was checked. The reliability of the experimental data was confirmed using the Pearson criterion. Conclusion. The results of the study made it possible to confirm the effectiveness of using the fuzzy logic method to create an information base for decision-making for assessing students’ digital competencies. The proposed methodology for assessing the competence of students specializing in economics can be adapted for other areas of training, taking into account their specifics.

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