
There were many factors that influence the volume of forest carting out. They were divided into managed and unmanaged. The human impact on unmanaged factors was minimized. These included the natural and climatic conditions under which the wood carting out took place. However, these factors were among the most significant, especially in Siberia, in sharply continental conditions. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of natural and climatic factors on forest carting out using the mathematical tool. For research data were collected on the volume of daily carting out of wood from forest areas for several years in the winter time. For the same dates, information was collected on climatic conditions: air humidity; wind speed; type of precipitation; precipitation duration; maximum air temperature; minimum air temperature; amount of precipitation; visibility range; snow depth. Multivariate analysis was performed using the Microsoft Office Excel software product, as well as controlling calculations in the Statistica 10.0 statistical product. As a result, the linear multiple regression equation was obtained.

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