
Introduction. Ensuring high reliability and safety of operation of passenger elevator units is largely determined by the implemented maintenance conditions (MC). The frequency of performing preventive actions depends, first of all, on the level of elevator utilization. Time, power indicators and the degree of remaining life are used to evaluate it. Among the time indicators, the net machine time coefficient (NMT) and the turn-on frequency are accepted, which are random variables depending on a number of internal factors characterizing the operating conditions of the unit. The work objective is to establish the relationship between the average values of NMT, as one of the main indicators of the load of the elevator unit, and the main internal factors.Materials and Methods. The research was carried out on the basis of processing and generalization of statistical materials of dispatching control of time indicators of a number of passenger elevator units. 11 elevators were randomly selected, differing in the number of floors, the specific number of residents using the elevator, and the speed of movement of the cab. Graphical-analytic methods were used to construct empirical dependences of NMT on the number of residents, the speed of the cab and the number of floors of the building. Along with the technical parameters of the elevator, random changes in the NMT indicators for individual periods of the day were taken into account.Results. Empirical dependences of the NMT on the main internal factors — the density of occupation, the number of floors of the building and the speed of the cab movement were established. Mathematical models provided results adequate to experimental values. The error when comparing the calculated data with the actual data did not exceed 10 % in most cases.Discussion and Conclusion. The value of the empirical dependencies obtained consists in the ability to assess the workload of units during the current period of operation without additional multi-day measurements. Empirical formulas can be used as basic relations in simulation modeling at any stage of the life cycle.

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