
Steering by deviations involves a significant reduction in the influence of the “human factor” on the final result of the steering. Obviously, this can be achieved by automating the process of steering the vessel, including when performing mooring operations. At the same time, the participation of the boatmaster in the steering process is not excluded. Summarizing the existing approaches to automating the process of controlling the movement of the vessel, it is necessary to pay attention to the intellectualization of the entire process of steering the vessel, as an actual scientific direction of modern science in the field of navigation. Intellectualization is a higher level of improvement of steering of the vessel, it involves the use of innovative ideas for the implementation of steering processes. In particular, these ideas are based on the use of a method for steering by deviations from a given line (GL) of two points spaced along the length of the ship, at which navigation information sensors are installed that determine the kinematic and dynamic parameters of the ship’s movement, namely, satellite navigation system receiver indicators and inertial sensors. To implement this method of control, both the main means of steering the vessel and the propulsion and steering complex, which includes active control means, can be used. The use of these and (or) other controls depends on the specific purpose of controlling the movement of the vessel.

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