
The intra-operative electrical auditory brainstem response (EABR), electrical stapedius reflex threshold (ESRT) and the early post-operative behavioural threshold level (T-level) were recorded in five children undergoing cochlear re-implantation. The aim of the study was to assess objectively the effect of re-implantation on intra-operative objective measures and to investigate neuronal function. The children were aged between 2.06 years and 4.5 years at first implantation. Following failure of the first device, re-implantation was carried out 1.42-5.52 years later. Characteristics of the EABR and ESRT across the electrode array were typical of the expected pattern of responses on both occasions. In particular, the slopes of the amplitude input/output (I/O) functions for wave eV of the intraoperative EABR were similar for both the first and second implants even though absolute thresholds were generally elevated after re-implantation. This elevation in intra-operative threshold was more pronounced than the change in early post-operative behavioural threshold level for electrical stimulation (T-level). Our findings confirm a high level of neuronal survival after re-implantation. Threshold of the intra-operative EABR at the time of re-implantation greatly underestimates the sensitivity of the subsequent early post-operative T-levels.

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