
Dysfunction of the Eustachian tube (ET) can lead to negative pressure within the middle ear, which, in turn, causes various pathological changes. Multiple testing methods for ET function have been devised, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Knowing the characteristics of each ET function test and the unique characteristics of ET dysfunction (ETD) in children are prerequisites for choosing the optimal assessment method. For a comprehensive diagnosis, assessment should also include the localisation of any sites of obstruction. This review aims to summarise the methods of evaluating ET function and locating sites of ET lesions. Articles evaluating ET function, localising lesions in the ET, and ETD in children were collected from the PubMed database. We selected only relevant English publications. ETD in children has different characteristics to those in adults. The appropriate tests for assessing ET function depend on the specific conditions of the individual patient. Valsalva computed tomography can provide information on the soft and bony anatomy of the ET to facilitate identification of lesion sites. An accurate diagnosis should be based on a combined analysis of objective and subjective results, with interpretation made in conjunction with clinical history and physical examination. A comprehensive assessment should include lesion localisation. When assessing ETD in children, it is important to take into account the characteristics of this population.

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