
The financial sector is currently developing at the most dynamic pace, at the same time, this development is characterized by the largest and most extensive operational risks. This causes financial institutions to pay more attention to modern asset, risk and competitiveness management systems. Financial controlling in this aspect is a comprehensive system of increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of financial institutions and increasing their competitiveness in the medium and long term. The main problem of the implementation of financial controlling is the lack of qualified specialists capable of building a quality system taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of a separate financial institution. The process of implementing the system of financial controlling of banking activity has several main stages: the methodological stage, which involves specifying the model of bank controlling; methodical stage, characterized by the selection of methods of implementation of the financial controlling system in the bank necessary for making certain management decisions; the technical stage, which involves the determination of the number of persons and the distribution of responsibilities among qualified personnel who will work with the management base. For practical use, the content of the Regulation on the organization of financial controlling in the bank, which defines the organizational and legal features of ensuring the functioning of the financial controlling system, is proposed. The structure of the document contains a clearly defined list of tasks of the financial controlling service in the bank, as well as the rights and duties of the controllers. A methodical approach to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the formation of the system of financial controlling of banking activity has been developed, which provides for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the work of the financial controlling service (thanks to the evaluation of its current activity and the cognitive skills of employees), which will make it possible to take into account not only the feasibility of investing financial resources in the implementation of financial controlling, but also the level professionalism of the members of the established financial controlling service, which is an important condition for effective banking activity.

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