
A radiation dose assessment exercise was carried out for the Ipomea batata, Allium sativum, Dacaus carota, and Solanum tuberosum due to naturally available radionuclide 40K, 238U and 232Th in the Domiasiat area of Meghalaya. The concentration of radionuclides in biota as well as corresponding soil was measured by precipitation method using NaI detector for continuous 12 months. Transfer factor was calculated and was, for 40K(3.96E−05, 3.40E−05, 3.40E−05, 2.70E−05), for 232Th(3.94E−05, 3.20E−05, 3.20E−054.93E−05), for 238U(3.60E−05, 3.89E−05, 3.85E−054.57E−05), respectively in each biota due to each radionuclide. The point source dose distribution (source ↔ target) hypotheses was applied for the consideration of absorbed fraction. The generated data were modeled using the FASSET method and obtained dose was 8.42E−03, 8.36E−03, 7.78E−03, 7.74E−03 μGy h−1, respectively and finally compared with the IAEA and UNSCEAR dataset for screening level dose for terrestrial biota.

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