
Background. Argentina is one of the largest and most developed socio-economic countries in Latin America. The use of modern agricultural technologies in the Argentine plains and new methods of shipping allowed Argentina to start exporting agricultural products to Europe. A series of commodity booms enriched Argentina and made it one of the largest economies in the world at the beginning of the 20th century.
 Purpose is to analyze and identify problems and prospects for the development of the agricultural structure in Argentina.
 Materials and methods. In the study, the authors used analytical materials of the UN Economic Commission and other international organizations on the countries of Latin America, reviews and reports of the Central Bank, the Institute of Statistics, the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this work, dialectical, systemic, historical, logical, formal-legal, comparative research methods were used.
 Results. Due to the abundance of appropriate land and natural resources, the favorable climate in most of the country and the generally low activity of pests, agricultural in Argentina is not particularly limited by natural conditions. However, there are a number of other factors that prevent Argentine farmers from fully operating as efficiently as possible.
 Conclusion. Argentina’s agro-industrial policy is quite contradictory. Despite the development of digital services and modern information technologies to support agricultural producers, the introduction of progressive export support programs, a fairly powerful infrastructure throughout the entire production cycle of agricultural products, the Argentine government from time to time resorts to using serious export barriers to maintaining the domestic market, which in general affects the Agar sector is not always positive.

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