
This paper assesses the challenges in care of patient with substance use among care givers at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals psychiatric Unit, Zimbabwe. This paper seeks to further explore the experiences of care givers supporting family members with substance use disorder and their engagement in self-care. Exploratory Qualitative research design was employed to facilitate the exploration of family experiences affected by Substance Use Disorder and to identify the necessary assistance they may require. A Sampling size of 21 participants was used to avoid biased information and participants were recruited using purposive sampling technique, by selecting individuals with members affected, by Substance Use Disorder. The findings from the study strongly indicated that family members were significantly affected by the responsibility of caring for individuals with substance use disorder. This article extensively explores the intricate and multifaceted challenges faced by the caregivers supporting individuals grappling with substance use disorder. Researchers recommended that it is crucial for health care system, to acknowledge the indispensable role played by caregivers and extend the necessary support system.

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