
In the context of aeronautics, automotive and construction applications, the design of light multilayer plates with optimized vibroacoustical damping and isolation performances remains a major industrial challenge and a hot topic of research. This paper focuses on the vibrational behavior of three-layered sandwich composite plates in a broad-band frequency range. Several aspects are studied through measurement techniques and analytical modelling of a steel/polymer/steel plate sandwich system. A contactless measurement of the velocity field of plates using a scanning laser vibrometer is performed, from which the equivalent single layer complex rigidity (apparent bending stiffness and apparent damping) in the mid/high frequency ranges is estimated. The results are combined with low/mid frequency estimations obtained with a high-resolution modal analysis method so that the frequency dependent equivalent Young's modulus and equivalent loss factor of the composite plate are identified for the whole [40 Hz-20 kHz] frequency band. The results are in very good agreement with an equivalent single layer analytical modelling based on wave propagation analysis (model of Guyader). The comparison with this model allows identifying the frequency dependent complex modulus of the polymer core layer through inverse resolution. Dynamical mechanical analysis measurements are also performed on the polymer layer alone and compared with the values obtained through the inverse method. Again, a good agreement between these two estimations over the broad-band frequency range demonstrates the validity of the approach.

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