
Introduction. The market of rating services is gradually developing both at the international and national levels. Over the years of operation of rating agencies, a significant number of various ratings have been developed and used. In particular, typical ratings are credit ratings of the issuer and debt obligations. One of the rating objects, along with countries, municipalities, large industrial enterprises, are banking institutions. If at the beginning of the activity of rating agencies in Ukraine, mainly banks with foreign capital and large banks had a rating, then in recent years all banks received a rating, which is one of the measures of their financial stability and reliability. At the same time, in recent years, in the conditions of the corona crisis, and currently in the conditions of martial law, the issues of expediency, objectivity and the need for rating assessment, including banks, have been actively raised, since there are significant differences in the assigned ratings on a national and international scale, and quite often, banks that received sufficiently high investment grade ratings from national rating agencies later became bankrupt. Purpose. Study of the main approaches and activities regarding the rating assessment of banks' activities by international and national rating agencies in the conditions of martial law. Methodology. On the basis of comparative and statistical analysis, a study of the rating assessment of the activity of banking institutions of Ukraine was carried out, the decisive factors influencing bank credit ratings and deposit reliability ratings were analyzed, the relationship between the sovereign rating of the country and the credit ratings of banks assigned by international rating agencies was determined. Results. The necessity of determining the ratings of banks, which act as an element of maintaining the reputation and image of the bank and provide an opportunity to enter international markets, attract investments, and also increase the level of awareness of clients about the financial condition and reliability of banks, has been proven. Emphasis is placed on the need to improve the legislative regulation of rating and unification of the methodology and scale of bank deposit reliability ratings.

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