
Aim and Objective: Evaluate the technological capability of the informal foodservice operators in the study area with the view of ensuring wholesome food are served using the right technological capabilities.
 The informal foodservice operators (IFOs) carry a larger part of food service providers that have contact with people on daily basis. The model of Garvin, 1981 was adapted for the study and mixed study approach. A structured questionnaire that includes both close and open-ended questions was used to elicit information from the participants of the study. The data collected was analysed and it showed that the technological capacity of the informal foodservice operators in studied areas in Oyo State was fairly high. The informal foodservice operators have low investment capacity, production capacity and high marketing capacity. The ability to use technological capacity to their advantage was lacking due to lack of funds and training. Their high marketing and innovation capacity showed that if there are funds and training, they will improve their investment and production capacity. Government should formulate policy that will encourage growth of the informal foodservice operators to ensure that wholesome food is served within the system.

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