
Objective: assessment of sustainability and level of environmental balanced development of the Poltava region with justification of approach to the choice of estimated indicators. Methods: a quantitative and qualitative analysis and synthesis, methods of classification and correlation analysis. Results: researched of existing approaches to defining parameters, indexes and indicators related to sustainable development. Chosen and reviewed method for assessment of environmental sustainability and sustainable development proposed by Harmut Bossel. The systematization of indicators and the estimation of sustainability on 14 indicators for Poltava region according to the methodology of Harmut Bossel. Based on the chosen indicators were built “guiding star”, which give a clear understanding of the dynamics of change in each of the subsystems, level of its stability and potential of subsystem to restore. Conclusions: in general, the results of the evaluation according to the methodology of Harmut Bossel showed overall instability of the ecological system of the Poltava region, which is typical for the entire investigated period (2005–2015 years). Based on the evaluation, defined the priority environmental problems that are «weak links» of ecological system and which require urgent focusing, that ensuring gradual stabilization processes in the environmental development of the region.

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