
The European Higher Education Area implies, at least theoretically, substantial changes in the developed educational approaches specified in several areas. Among these the assessment of students’ learning is the focus of this article. The approaches and results that are exposed here are framed in an Educational Research Project entitled “Learning approaches of the university students, teaching strategies and institutional contexts to the beginning, half and end of career in the process of implantation of the new degrees”. Specifically, we focus on the learning assessment, analyzing both the formats or modalities of this kind of evaluation as well as the preferences which the students have concerning them in the context of different courses and university degrees. Furthermore, we try to somewhat clarify how these preferences could vary depending on the learning approach of each student (deep or superficial) and, also, on the students' evolution along the different courses of their degree.


  • Palabras clave: Educación Superior, enfoques de aprendizaje, metodologías docentes, evaluación educativa, Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

  • The European Higher Education Area implies, at least theoretically, substantial changes in the developed educational approaches specified in several areas

  • The approaches and results that are exposed here are framed in an Educational Research Project entitled “Learning approaches of the university students, teaching strategies and institutional contexts to the beginning, half and end of career in the process of implantation of the new degrees”

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Palabras clave: Educación Superior, enfoques de aprendizaje, metodologías docentes, evaluación educativa, Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Como hemos señalado en otros trabajos previos (Argos et al, 2007 y 2011a; Osoro et al, 2011 y Salvador et al, 2011) el marco de actuación del EEES comporta importantes retos tanto para las universidades como para sus docentes, constatando, desde una perspectiva general, las vinculaciones existentes entre los enfoques de aprendizaje del alumnado y las preferencias y usos de las metodologías, prácticas y procedimientos de evaluación por parte del profesorado.

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