
Problem statement. Measures for improving the urban environment should be of great importance in the correction and neutralization of the negative impact of anthropogenic factors on the formation of an environmentally safe environment of human life. Taking into account the data of ecological-hygienic monitoring, the state of morbidity of the residents of Dnipro, it becomes clear that green spaces, which perform sanitary-hygienic, decorative-planning and emotional-psychological functions are of significant importance. Determining the species diversity of Dnipro biocenoses, such as the T.H. Shevchenko’s Park of Culture and Recreation, the Dnipro-Oril Nature Reserve and Lazar Hloba’s Park, is an urgent scientific and practical task in the modern urban environment. The purpose of the study is the determination of the conditions necessary to increase the species diversity of biocenoses of Dnipro; as well as increasing the sustainability of biocenoses to the effects of urbanization through reconstruction by sanitary measures. Methods. In order to assess the diversity of vegetation in natural ecosystems b-diversity was calculated (dimensionless indicators − similarity coefficients or the community indices). There were used the species richness indices: Margalef, Shannon-Weaver, Simpson, Mackintosh and the community indices: Jacquard and Sjorensen-Chekanovskyi. As a result of studies, it was found that an increase in species diversity in urban biocenoses leads to an increase in their stability and productivity. Conclusions.Biocenoses of parks are characterized by a high commonality of species, and nature reserves are somewhat smaller. When assessing the total area of biocenoses of urbanized sites, it was revealed that more species of tree species were planted on them than in parks, the areas of which exceed the area of urbanized biocenoses by several times. Such reconstruction leads to a decrease in the stability of the biocenosis to the effects of urbanization, and requires sanitary and recreational measures.

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