
Groundwater is the major basis for drinking in various parts of our country. However, it gets contaminated by the toxic materials found in rocks, because of which it becomes unfit for various domestic and irrigation purposes. In present study, the groundwater quality and its availability for various purposes were examined by the parameters such as pH, DO, EC, TDS, temperature, salinity, Alkalinity, Total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, chloride, fluoride, nitrate and phosphate during the post monsoonseason of 2022 and pre monsoon season of 2023 from 49 sampling locations. The above mentioned parameters were used for assessing appropriateness of groundwater for irrigation and domestic purposes by comparing them with the Bureau of Indian standards (BIS). The results revealed that groundwater shows wide variations among various parameters between two seasons during 2022–23. Obtained results show that water used for potable purposes by people in various parts of study area doesn’t meet necessary standards.In some of the sampling locations, it is found that the water exhibits very poor quality or unfit maybe for one season or both seasons. Analysis of parameters is done for calculating correlation coefficient of specified parameters. Strong linear relationships, both positive and negative, were found between several pairs of water quality measures according to their research.

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