
This study was conducted to determine some issues and concerns of solid waste management in the city of Marawi, Philippines. Interviews were conducted on key informants .The respondents of this study were five (5) City Government Officials (Secretary, Office of the City mayor, City Planning and Development Officers, City General Services Officers, SP Representative-Committee on Environment, SP Secretary), and two (2) key officials/representatives from DOH and DENR. They were selected because of their direct involvement and participation in the implementation of the Solid Waste Management Program. This study used the descriptive-qualitative research method. Results show that theoretically the city government has the necessary mechanisms of how solid wastes be managed in the city but the implementation of the ecological waste management program as mandated by law is unsuccessfull. Several reasons are attributed to this - lack of personnel, funds, and also to the undisciplined behavior of the Maranaos in their waste disposal.

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