
Prambanan District which located in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province has the potential for land degradation due to erosion processes. With the characteristics of annual rainfall more than 2000 mm / year, topography with a slope of more than 20% in upland areas, as well as the conversion of upland to dryland agriculture are factors that can trigger the erosion process more quickly. If the rate of erosion speed exceeds the ability of the soil to regenerate the soil body, its productivity will be disrupted and accelerate the formation of critical soil. Therefore, it is necessary to know the estimated rate of erosion, tolerable distribution of erosion, and the potential danger of erosion that occurs. The purpose of this study was to (1) predict the rate of erosion, (2) calculate the permissible erosion value, (3) identify the rate & index of erosion hazard. Data were collected using field surveys and soil sampling using stratified random sampling techniques with land units as the unit of analysis. The value of erosion was predicted using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) method. The RUSLE method is described by the following equation, A=R*K*L*S*C*P, where; A as estimated averages annual loss of soil, R is the rainfall erosivity factor, K is the soil erodibility factor, LS is the slope length factor, C is the cover management factor, & P is the conservation practice factor. The results showed that the erosion value ranged from 0.39 - 268.55 tons/ha/year. Permissible erosion ranges from 8.4 – 15 tons/ha/year for Latosol and 27.4 ton/ha/year for Regosol. The Rate of Erosion Hazard is dominated by moderate erosion, covering an area of 1330.7 ha or 31.8% of the total area. The Erosion Hazard Index is dominated by the low class (<1.0) which is covered over 2703.1 ha or 64.61% of the total area.

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