
Hemodialysis (HD) patients level of Self-Care are necessary to control the disease operation and symptoms. The person who have low self-care can adequately need meet their needs of self-care. Aim of the study: To determine of self care behavior in clients admitted to dialysis wards to Al-imam Al-Sadiq educational hospital Babylon-Iraq. Descriptive study conducted at hemodialysis. This study was conducted in AL-immam Al-sadiq educational hospital-dialysis center in alhilla city Babylion in Iraq. Sample: A sample of (200) patients referral to dialysis center at Al-immam AL-sadiq educational hospital.we found most of the patient aged over50 years, more than half about 59.5% are male, marital status 77% of study sample are married, 60% are unemployed. More than half of patients had poor Self-care activities regarding Personal Hygiene. About 71.5% had inadequate Self-care activities regarding arterio-venous shunt. Develop and organize a multidisciplinary team approach in the hemodialysis unit that includes primary nurses, renal physicians, social workers, nutritionists, psychotherapists, and physiotherapists to help patients maintain a near-normal life style.

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