
Assessment of seismic response of a soil layer with the oscillating inclusions


  • Analysis of seismic effects of earthquakes allowed one to conclude that the intensity of oscillations and subsequent damage to weakly consolidated soils may significantly exceed these parameters in neighboring regions, such as those composed of dense rocks

  • Despite the large number of works in this field of research, the problem of adequate prediction of soil behavior under seismic loads remains one of the most pressing challenges of seismology. This is due to insufficient study of the mechanism of influence of physical and mechanical soil properties on the deformation under seismic loading and dynamic properties that characterize the soil as a medium for the propagation of oscillations

  • It was found that the presence of dissipative inclusions leads to finite resonant oscillation amplitudes and, to limited heights of resonant peaks in the transfer function, which characterizes the amplification of displacements on the free surface with respect to displacements on the lower surface of the layer

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Analysis of seismic effects of earthquakes (degree and regularity of damage to buildings) allowed one to conclude that the intensity of oscillations and subsequent damage to weakly consolidated soils may significantly exceed these parameters in neighboring regions, such as those composed of dense rocks. During modeling wave processes in the layer of heterogeneous elastic medium [Kendzera et al, 2020], the dynamic equation of state with temporal and spatial nonlocalities was used This generalized model allows one to describe the dynamical properties of structured media taking into account the correlation between the elements of the structure, as well as the phenomena of self-organization [Danylenko et al, 2011]. In this research we are interested in the model for a heterogeneous medium representing the soil as a structure in which heterogeneity is formed by different inclusions distributed in carrying uniform medium. Based on the basic principles of continuum theory, we postulate that the model of elastic medium with inclusions [Palmov, 1998; Danilenko, Skurativskyi, 2008, 2012 a,b] consists of an infinite number of inclusions In wave processes, they behave like oscillators.

It is useful to rewrite this equation as follows
Оцінка сейсмічної реакції прошарку ґрунту з коливними включеннями
Оценка сейсмической реакции слоя грунта с колеблющимися включениями
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