
Background. The state of health of modern schoolchildren occupies one of the most important positions in the modern world. Improper nutrition with an intensive educational load and low physical activity contribute to the development of “school” diseases. Aim. To assess the actual nutrition of school-age children using the example of third-grade students and to determine its impact on physical development and school morbidity. Materials and methods. The survey was conducted from November 2019 to March 2020. 33 children aged 8–9 years were studied. The nutrition of children was studied using a questionnaire for parents, which included questions about the frequency of eating various foods during the week. Physical development was assessed by height, body weight, and chest circumference. Incidence data were copied from medical records (form 026-y). The statistical analysis included the calculation of the error of relative values. Results . The children›s diet was found to lack protein products (meat, eggs, poultry). On average, 3–4 times a week, 42 ± 1.50 % consume meat, 52 ± 1.51 % poultry, and 45 ± 1.51 % eggs. There was an increased consumption of foods containing a large amount of fat and carbohydrates, so 1–2 times a week 45 ± 1.51 % eat chips, and 55 ± 1.51 % drink sweet carbonated drinks and juices. The assessment of physical development showed an increase in the number of children with disharmonious development (49 ± 1.51 % for the entire sample). Analysis of morbidity revealed the prevalence of diseases of musculoskeletal system: postural disorder – 24 ± 1.29 % of children, flat foot – 15 ± 1.08 %. Body weight indicators were higher or lower than normal in 24 ± 1.29 % of schoolchildren, including a decrease in body weight in 18 ± 1.16 % and an increase – in 6 ± 0.72 % of children. Conclusions. The study noted a lack of protein consumption, which is necessary for the implementation of growth and development, while an excess of carbohydrates inhibits these processes. Thus, nutrition plays a leading role in the health and physical development of schoolchild.


  • The state of health of modern schoolchildren occupies one of the most important positions in the modern world

  • low physical activity contribute to the development

  • assess the actual nutrition of school-age children using the example of third-grade students

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East Siberian Biomedical Journal

Оценка питания школьников и его влияние на физическое развитие и заболеваемость Кудреватых М.А., Шатханова Н.А. Оценить фактическое питание детей школьного возраста на примере обучающихся третьих классов и определить его влияние на физическое развитие и школьную заболеваемость. Питание детей изучено с помощью анкеты для родителей, в которую были включены вопросы, касающиеся частоты питания различными продуктами в течение недели. В рационе детей был выявлен недостаток белковых продуктов (мясо, яйца, птица). Анализ заболеваемости показал преобладание заболеваний опорнодвигательного аппарата: нарушение осанки у 24 ± 1,29 % детей, плоскостопие 15 ± 1,08 %. В ходе исследования отмечен недостаток потребления белков, которые необходимы для реализации роста и развития, в то время как избыток углеводов угнетает эти процессы. Ключевые слова: физическое развитие, дети, оценка питания, заболеваемость, масса тела. Оценка питания школьников и его влияние на физическое развитие и заболеваемость.

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