
This paper describes the impact of rice hydraulic loading (percentage area under rice crop) on groundwater levels and salinity in the Murrumbidgee irrigation area (MIA), Australia using a MODFLOW-based modelling approach. The model simulations show that the groundwater levels will be in equilibrium after a fall of approximately 1 m under most of the areas, however, the groundwater salinity levels will rise by more than 1,000 μs/cm in most parts of irrigation area. If the rice growing area is reduced by 50 and 75%, there can be a net decline in groundwater levels during the first 2 years and then a new quasi-equilibrium will be established. To downscale these results at the farm level, SWAGMAN Farm model in conjunction with groundwater outflow rates obtained from a three-dimensional MODFLOW model was applied for determining net recharge rates under rice for different areas within the MIA. The highest net recharge during 2005–2006 season was 0.84 ML/ha (84 mm) in parts of the irrigation system, whereas the average net recharge due to rice hydraulic loading for the whole MIA during 2005–2006 season was estimated as 0.34 ML/ha (34 mm).

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