
Introduction: The production and consumption of artisanal refreshing drinks (Bissap, Gnamankoudji) in the Haut Sassandra region are anchored in local culture. These artisanal drinks are experiencing considerable growth despite their artisanal and unstable production. Objective: The objective of this study is to diagnose the production of these artisanal drinks and to assess the potential risks associated with their consumption in the Haut Sassandra region. Methodology: A cross-sectional and retrospective survey was carried out with producers to make the diagnosis and with consumers to identify some main conditions linked to the consumption of these drinks. 52 producers were investigated, and 780 consumers were submitted to a questionnaire, for a total of 832 people audited. Results: Bissap and Gnamankoudji have many similar unit operations. In addition, Bissap undergoes heat treatment. The drinks are mostly packaged in used pots. The main conditions encountered were diarrhea (8.3% and 8.7%), belly bloating (2.4% and 2.8%), fever (1.80% and 2.30%), nausea (1.80% and 1.90%), vomiting (0.90% and 1%) respectively after consumption of Gnamankoudji and Bissap. Conclusion: The study collected data on the production of artisanal drinks and the risks incurred by consumers. The consumption of these drinks represents a major risk for public health.

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