
Probiotics are living organisms with many beneficial effects on the health of host if consumed in sufficient quantities. These beneficial effects have been initiating efforts directed towards exploring strains Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) as probiotic from fermented food such tempe and tape. Although several groups of microorganism from fermented foods such as tempe and tape were reported, the potential LAB derived from those food sources is limited. The aim of this study was to assess probiotic candidate from LAB strains isolated from tempe and tape based on in vitro analysis. A total of 30 LAB isolates were tested for probiotic properties including tolerance to bile salt and acid, antimicrobial activity, simulated gastric juice (SGJ) and simulated intestinal juice (SIJ), physiology and enzymatic properties. The results showed eight bacterial isolates (Pediococcus pentosaceus Su-ls13, P. pentosaceus Su-ls14, Enterococcus faecalis Su-ls15, P. pentosaceus Su-ls16, P. pentosaceus Su-ls21, P. pentosaceus Su-ls22, P. pentosaceus Su-ls24 and Lactobacillus plantarum Su-ls29) fulfilled the criteria as probiotic candidates, including the capability of producing antimicrobial activity by inhibiting the growth of 12 pathogenic bacteria, have survivability under the condition of (or high tolerance to) low pH, and being exposed to bile salt, simulated gastric juice and simulated intestinal juice. All isolates were able to grow at NaCl 3-6.5%, 30-45°C and produce phytase. In addition, six isolates (Su-ls13, Su-ls14, Su-ls15, Su-ls16, Su-ls21, Su-ls22) were able to produce protease and two isolates (Su-ls22, Su-ls24) were able to produce amylase.

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