
The objective of this study was to determine lean meat content in pigs from different farms and smallholdings, which were slaughtered in one abbatoir in Serbia. In Serbia one third of the total number of pigs is slaughtered in slaughterhouses and two thirds in rural households. Results of this examination carried out on 12 523 slaughtered pigs from 9 farms and smallholdings showed that lean meat content in farm pigs ranged from 51.16? 4.31% to 53.27?2.94%. The average quantity of meat in farm pig carcasses was 52.29? 2.04%. The average lean meat percentage of pig carcasses from smallholdings was 48.99?4.85 %. All farm pig carcasses were classified on the basis of meatiness into class U (50.0-54.9% of lean meat content) while pig carcasses from smallholdings were graded as class R (the percentage of meat ranging from 45.0-49.9). Data about lean meat content of pig carcasses in Serbia have not been published during the past twenty years, because lean meat percentage has not been determined. Today, only three abattoirs in Serbia determine lean meat percentage and pay pig producers according to meatiness.


  • Proizvodnja svinjskog mesa i mleka su dve glavne grane sto~arstva, kako u Evropskoj uniji (EU), tako i u Srbiji

  • Statisti~ki zna~aj razlike i t-vrednost izme|u mesnatosti trupova svinja sa farmi i iz otkupa

  • (2010), najve}i broj zaklanih svinja (62,1%) pripadao je klasi E, {to odgovara u~e{}u mesa u trupu od 55,0-59,9% (prose~na vrednost bila je 57,65 %)

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Proizvodnja svinjskog mesa i mleka su dve glavne grane sto~arstva, kako u Evropskoj uniji (EU), tako i u Srbiji. Vet. glasnik 67 (3-4) 227 - 236 (2013) Marija Dokmanovi} i sar.: Ispitivanje mesnatosti trupova svinja u Srbiji osnovuive mase (Hansson, 2003). Ispitivanje mesnatosti svinja Prose~naiva masa svinja i masa trupova odre|eni su na osnovu odnosa ukupneive mase i broja svinja, odnosno ukupne mase toplih polutki i broja svinja sa svake farme i iz otkupa. Prose~naiva masa svinja sa farmi bila je [102,42] kg, a svinja iz otkupa [113,78] kg.

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