
There is increasing emphasis on the sagittal spino-pelvic alignment and its interpretation is of critical importance in the management of spinal disorders. The vertebral column shows a vital role in the funding and locomotion of the human body. The judgment of normality can be made possible by analyzing the normal patterns of sagittal curvature and characteristics of each pattern of sagittal curvatures. In our study the control group which comprised of 50 healthy volunteers exhibited a minimum pelvic incidence of 33° and a maximum of 60° with an average of 50.12°. The minimum pelvic incidence in the study group was 42° and the maximum was 75°.The average pelvic incidence in the low grade listhesis group was 57.78° and in the high grade listhesis group it was 64.75°.The combined average of pelvic incidence angle in the study group was 58.34°and only one patient had a Pelvic incidence Angle of 75 degrees and the remaining three were only one patient had a Pelvic incidence Angle of 75 degrees and the remaining three were below 65 degrees. The objective of this study is to observe the parameters of sagittal and spino-pelvic balance in a sample of the Indian population consisting of volunteer asymptomatic individuals.

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